Thursday, June 28, 2007

Discover Your OWN Direction(c) Motivation

Why is Motivation important? It helps us to do the things we need, ought, and/or are required to do, sometimes with fervor, others by necessity, occasionally with apathy, in order to get those things done.
There are many motivators, such as love, hate, freedom, and others. But since motivation is such an important factor in how we find direction for our lives, how do we find our motivation? Where does it come from? Yes, within us; but from where? What truly motivates us?

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing—that's why we recommend it daily.” Zig Ziglar (author, salesman, speaker)
How does Motivation work? Sometimes we find our motivation, sometimes it finds us. I sing tenor in a large men’s chorus at my church, the Master’s Men. I have for nearly 30 years. Why? My dad sang tenor, in fact he sang the song “Danny Boy” to my mom at a company talent competition, which he won, and where I subsequently got my name.
But I also enjoy singing. So, was it inherited or learned over time? My dad taught me about singing. Did I find it or did it find me? What motivated me? I really couldn’t tell you, but you would be hard pressed to get me to leave that group of singing men. I love singing, and I love those men, and our leaders, two women by the way, Melanie Wood, our Director and Mary Helen Vaughn our Pianist. We live by their lists. Any thoughts? Ideas? Questions? What lists do you live by? I welcome your comments (for non-remuneration publication, I will keep your name confiedntial.) Thanks, Dan Cassin